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SENNAMinister Of Holistic Health & Wellness *Master Herbalist *True Nutritionist *Life Coach *  Author * Over 11 years ago Senna began his health and wellness journey to better assist those he loved so they could enjoy a life unencumbered by despair, pain, and disease. He decided the dive head first into learning about herbs. Experimenting with his own health lead him to discover many simple truths about his own biology.Often visiting a local health food store Senna could be found giving a helpful hand & advice to the community. While doing so he created a few powerful herbal formulas for himself and others. With his increased focus on herbs he was able to learn many of the secrets that are contained in Mother Nature's ancient plants.Upon suffering a traumatic brain injury and herniated discs after a head on car collision his path became clear. Senna placed himself on a expedited path to healing he once again assisted others who needed his aid. After meeting his wife Quillå and caring for his father, Senna fine tuned his abilities to observe and utilize the power of the human body healing itself through a proper methodology. Anything proven to only be theoretical without a track record of repeatable real world results was discarded.  Today, he is the founder of Detox Your Life Ministry and serves as it's fully ordained Minister of Holistic Health & Wellness. Regarded as a intuitive sage he is seen as dependable, practical, and insightful when sharing much needed perspectives as the DYL Method Life Coach to those who seek his counsel and support. Over the years Senna has also spent countless time foraging, blending, and perfecting the efficacy of his own herbal formulas. In doing so this wealth of experience earned him the reputation and title as a truly Master Herbalist.____________________________________________________________QUILLÅ Certified Regenerative Detoxification Specialist *Master Medical Astrologer *Naturopath Healer * Physiologist * Author * When Quillå first started her search to understand what health was and trying to attain it, she was thrown into confusion because of all the conflicting information and theories that she read.After sifting through the tons of information, Quillå found out that there are far too many theories about health and not nearly enough truths. This caused her to become confused all over again. Quillå went through this loop of confusion for years until she was finally FED UP! Instead of giving up Quillå realized that she needed to connect with mentors with proven information, & records of helping people get better. Truthful master healers who didn't promote or use theories, but had real clinical studies with real clients. She found them and studied under them for years learning about everything from anatomy and physiology, cellular functions, biochemistry to cosmobiology and more. Quillå became a Detox Specialist practitioner while under the supervision of those who follow true naturopathy, she was able to repeat their results many times over with amazing benefit.  As Quillå mentors members alongside her husband she now uses what she learned to serve as a Certified Regenerative Detoxification Specialist  for DYL Method.  By combining her studies, Quillå has developed & mastered her own unique technique of reading Natal Charts to assist in diagnosing clients health. Her abilities as a Medical Astrologer coupled with her skill as a Detox Specialist and Physiologist to accurately explain a person's potential for diseases, injuries, and genetic weaknesses is truly powerful. The only thing more powerful is her ability to help you understand how to allow your body to fix it._________________________________________________________AMANA Doctor of Health Sciences *Kinesiologist * Certified Regenerative Detoxification Specialist *Teacher *Physical Trainer *Medical Astrologer * Amana studied many different proclaimed health modalities as a healer. She held space for many and assisted them on their journey to gain better health, while also attempting to better the health of her entire family. Although having a doctorate degree in health sciences and working in the education field as a teacher offered her a strong foundation Amana continued to seek answers and understanding. Her deeper journey for the truth about health and wellness began 12 years ago way back in 2010. Two years before her daughter was diagnosed with a brain tumor at the age of 7.  She learned and experienced a lot of unproven theories for herself and her daughter. None of them proved to be sufficient in managing, curing, or reversing the health issues her daughter faced. Having been her sole focus for over a decade she was still searching for truthful answers that made sense and better yet, showed verifiable results in reversing the poor health of those she loved most.Fast forward to over a decade later and Amana was introduced and invited to join The DYL Method of Detox Your Life Ministry as a client while seeking to finally get help for her daughter.  Amana accepted and joined.  Learning and analyzing the human body was a part of Amana's career and she got a in depth crash course in it upon joining DYL Method. Although her prior years of experience as a kinesiologist & physical trainer didn't give her the information she eventually gained, a solid understanding of anatomy & physiology was able to be grant her some footing once she joined DYL Method. With all of her positive energy she jumped head first as an eager student into the calls, lessons, and all available teachings. Seeking to learn exactly how true cellular detoxification works Amana passionately studied the materials and utilized the coaching always available to her. Inevitably she earned her position as a certified detoxification specialist and decided to join the DYL Method team in offering healing those who need it. To this day Amana is seeing results right before her eyes!! No longer chasing and practicing a theory, she finally was able to see and verify positive real life results for her the health of herself and her family for the first time. As Amana continues to observe, learn, study, research and  collaborate with others who are masters in their field and have the results to back it up, she is committed about giving back to her community.  Offering guidance to others about answers concerning questions that eluded her for so many years in the arena of health and wellness is a dream come true. Amana seeks to teach, uplift and support people's desire to heal holistically. She believes in following a natural path by utilizing the best methods for each individual via the DYL Method. The key to healing is within you and Amana is here to help you unlock your purest potential for health and wellness._________________________________________________________ SHELBIECardologist*Spiritual Detox Coach*  Author* Cardology is the mystical science and psychology behind your everyday playing cards. Shelbie has learned the art of applying this spiritual science to paint an accurate picture of how life can unfold as a Cardologist. By using her skillset and heightened intuition to interpret ancient calendars, she uses the numbers and symbols of the playing cards to provide guidance for future goals and desires. While detoxing clients can experience growth in their professional and spiritual development with Shelbie as their Spiritual Detox Coach.Shelbie can help anyone finding their unique purpose and give guidance on how they can position themselves to live in abundance. Over the years she uses cardology to help clients prepare for themselves by blending cardology with modern-day life skills for a happy and healthy spiritual detox.♥️♣️♦️♠️♥️♣️♦️♠️♥️♣️♦️♠️♥️♣️♦️♠️♥️♣️♦️♠️♥️♣️♦️________________________________________________________ THEIR POWER MULTIPLIED AS ONETogether the DYL Method program is their creative labor of love chosen to help anyone heal. For years DYL Method has been and continues to a sacred space for regenerative healing, divine truth, anatomy & physiology education, auxiliary teachings, and spiritual enlightenment is provided for members of Detox Your Life Ministry.DYL Method's unique integrative approach allows members and potential clients to detox all aspects of their lives. The DYL Method health program are focuses not only on the two major fluids necessary for detoxification and the cells of the body for regeneration, but also your spiritual growth, psychological perspective inclusive of mindset (mental fortitude), emotional stability, and more. DYL Method teaches how to remove energy obstructions so you can be at your best in every way.DYL Method offers everything a client needs from unparalleled support, weekly workshops, engaged community, and a wealth of practical and powerful information the only way to not become a better version of yourself is if you hold yourself back. After learning exactly what allows the body to regenerate on a cellular level many have used the DYL Method healing modality with great success. Allow yourself to finally get the healing you were denied by allopathic Western methods, scam artists with unproven products, and misguided inexperienced practitioners without bonafide solutions. Let the proven, experienced, professional, and qualified of DYL Method assist you. Just take a look and listen at our tons of actual client testimonials. Your story can be next!DYL Method warmly invites you to learn exactly how so many of our clients have reversed their so called diseases when it was once thought impossible. You are welcomed with open arms to join DYL Method. Come reap the benefit of learning how your body works so you can finally detox your life!     
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